WordPress Training for Beginners

WordPress training courses in the North East, covering Newcastle and Northumberland at an affordable cost.

We are specifically looking to help small businesses owners update their existing website content.

As part of the service we provide when we create a new website for our customers is a WordPress training course. This ensures that our customers are able to manage their own website content themselves.

Normally you would ask your website developer to make changes which all costs money. As a small business owner, this isn’t always cost effective so if your looking to control and edit your site we are here to help.

Most web developers do not provide this service, this means that you have to ask them for any website changes you need at the customers cost. So for a fraction on the cost we can help you manage your own website.

How much does wordpress training cost  ? Contact us for more information and find out when the next training online training course is available.

Which WordPress Training do we Provide?

There are many training courses available. However, we are trying to keep it simple for WordPress beginners. We want to help you understand the simple jargon, in a step by step process. 

We provide one-to-one or small group training in a step by step stage so you learn and understand the  basics of your new website 

We will help you to understand 

  • How to optimise your website for Search Engines
  • How to write url’s’ that will improve your ‘click through’ rates
  • How to write meta descriptions in your content to improve ranking
  • How to create and update your blog
  • How to add a new page

Let us know if you would like to book onto our course and contact us for more details

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